Dental Sedation

Going to the dentist is not often thought of as a fun experience. If you’re dreading your dental appointment, dental sedation may be an option for you! Heights Dental Tampa offers both nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) or oral sedation to calm you during your dental visit.

Nitrous oxide is the least invasive and most common type of dental sedation. Laughing gas is administered through a “mask” that covers your nose. To take it, you simply breathe through your nose normally and in a few minutes you’ll feel relaxed! Nitrous oxide creates a sense of euphoria which is why it’s known as laughing gas. Once you stop inhaling the gas, it immediately begins to wear off. The vast majority of patients feel no side effects and can go about their normal day by the time the appointment is over.

Sometimes called “conscious sedation,” oral sedation is given in pill form. Typically, you’re given a prescription for two doses - one to take the night before your procedure, and the other to take an hour or more before. These are anti-anxiety medications that help you relax during your dental procedure. Oral sedation makes many patients feel drowsy but relaxed. You’ll still be awake and conscious, and able to answer questions or respond to requests. In some cases, patients become very groggy and fall asleep but can be easily woken up if needed. Oral sedation takes a few hours to wear off so you must have someone drive you to and from your appointment. They must also be able to understand and later share the dentist’s instructions with you. 

At Heights Dental Tampa, we strive to make your appointment as pleasurable as possible. On your initial visit, Dr. Jainandan can discuss various sedation options with you to see what would best fit your needs!


6008 N. Florida Ave, Suite 110, Tampa, FL 33604

On the ground floor of the HITE Apartment building

Hours of Operation


8:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm



